
Friday, January 28, 2005


I was feeling a little nostalgic and i found an old writing in a notebook right before i went to war. i don't know what kind of shit i was smoking, but i still like to read those writings. i don't know if i even agree with my previous thoughts sometimes . this one was on the first plane...

what is the purpose for living? a man lives all of his life preparing for death. it is not until a man is faced with death that he realizes whether or not he has lived his life the way he was supposed to. many men spend their lives searching for fulfillment and the stimulation it brings. They do not have a goal, for they know not what they seek. For them it is inconsequential, the search itself is the stimulation they seek.

If a man wakes as a newborn with the genetic information to lead himself to a given point, who is to say that that point is not death? It can be argued that mans main goal in life is not to prepare for death, but to avoid it at every opportunity. The concept of self preservation of man wanes with age. old men embrace death; young men never see themselves as old and hence are indestructible. that is why young men fail to see the meaning of life, the preparation of death.

If one could live forever, life would have no point. Anything that could be done today could easily be put off indefinitely and nothing habitually would happen to stimulate the body and soul of man. Everything done is done so that no regret befalls the dead. That is why man has desires to travel, acquire, pursue, build or destroy along his path. Man realizes his path has a destination. Even if one believes in the hereafter, the defining moment in truth is the flashing of life before your eyes. Man always wants his life story to be a true reelection of himself. From the moment of birth, man should live as if he is living an autobiography because, in a sense, he is. Will he be content in saying, "i ate, slept, shit, repeat, or will he want his story to be filled with adventures, love, lust, betrayal, hatred, agony, celebration, and pride. Many men don't see this and are content living each day with the goal to make it to the next day, negligent of the events that the day may bring.

It is interesting to see soldiers prepare for war. They sit and write letters and make phone calls to loved ones to tell them things that they should have told them long ago. They dine on foods, wishing that they could have eaten their favorite meal one last time. they listen to music in their own infinite worlds, wishing that they would have asked that one beautiful girl to dance. Soldiers are young men. Old men have no regrets; they live their life in preparation for the inevitable and are hence fulfilled.

why does misery love company?


Anonymous Anonymous dropped...

Enjoyed a lot! » »

4/2/07 17:28  

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