
Monday, January 03, 2005

then again...

it takes a bigger man to concede to an argument
some battles are just not worth fighting
especially when the opponent is not even in your weight class
why self censor?
the world does not shield me from its own ultimate realness
why should i contain my responses to the world?
then again...
one should posess tact
in the battle called life
time poorly spent
is forever lost
some souls are more lost than others
wandering babylon
then again...
if this is my world
why cant make the rules?
my first rule would be
to be yourself
smile at everyone
especially those who "grill" you back.
then again...
if everyone smiled
who would "grill"?
the world would be full of clones
and lost souls striving for survival
i would stand tall, grit my teeth in the wind!
be forced to concede to the world...
then again.


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