What do you look like?

What do you look like?
Are your looks really important?
Will you succeed or fail based on what you look like.
Is the way you are seen overly important to you?
Has anyone ever described you by an adjective that belittles the way you look?
Does your character supersede your appearance?
I have long had an issue with the balance between the narcissism in MY behaviors and the desire to look for more in ANOTHER person’s quality than their looks. I mostly desire to look good for reasons of self-esteem; I also desire to look good because society smiles upon those who look best. In life, I want to achieve. I need the abs of 2pac. I need the chest of Schwarzenegger. I need the smile of Denzel. I need to look successful. If I told you that I have gold teeth, would that give my words the value of baser metals?
I am a black man. I don’t want anyone to misunderstand. Do I think that being black has affected my position in society? Do I think being black has affected my mating choices? Do I think that being black has influenced what others think of me? Yes, yes, and yes. I am proud to be black by all means, but, the main reason that I am that way is because, someone somewhere loathes his or her skin color.
I am the reason you cross the street, while clutching your purse, though I never robbed anyone.
I am the reason that white man can’t jump, though I suck at basketball.
I wish I was the reason that black is beautiful.
I am not skinny by all means. I am shaped more like a cork than most. That doesn’t stop me from doing pushups, sit-ups, or running around the block. I eat the type of foods that would lend for me to be thin for the most part (fuck the Atkins diet). What I really hate is for people to have issues with those who are heavier but have no issues with those who are rail thin. I mean, what is so attractive about a person who is as thin as a pencil? I admit, I like my women to be robust and full. Does that mean that I have a fat girl fetish? If you think so, you are wrong on so many levels. You think fat is unhealthy? I think starving is unhealthy; in fact, being hungry is the worst feeling in the world to me. I would never wish it on anyone. The truth is, I come from a lineage of folks that have similar body types. I must constantly rebuke my genetics and be thin at all cost. Is there any other way?
Are you a tasty dish?
Are you “finger- licking good?” Those who dine well dine with there eyes first. Ask any chef that desires to serve a tasty dish. The appearance is often more important than the looks. One cannot look at the flavor of a given dish until it has been tasted. Give life a taste.
the following tastes are responsible for this flavor:
Notes from a different kitchen on image
haitian girl
I'm skinny. A skinny woman from a long line of skinny women. Like you, I am a product of my DNA. I do not count calories, carbs, or measure out my life in coffee spoons.
I'm also a tasty dish. Bones and all.
I am a white woman. Do I think that being white has affected my position in society? Do I think that being white has affected my mating choices? Do I think that being white has influenced (for good or ill) what others have thought of me? Yes. Yes. And yes.
I'm neither proud nor ashamed to be white. I only wish it didn't matter.
I do not cross the street and clutch my purse when you are on the sidewalk.
I do not pick up the pace of my walk when you are behind me.
I do not withdraw my hand so that you can lay my change on the counter.
Instead, I dare to stumble, awkward, bumbling, into conversations of what it means to be black and what it means to be white, and how do we change all this. I engage, even at the risk of appearing foolish, or worse, a tourist.
And you've respected that, and I thank you for it.
I must constantly rebuke my genetics and be thin at all cost. Is there any other way?
Hell yes. Be the size you are. Inhabit your body, like you've learned to inhabit the color of your skin. Let go of the idea society is trying to sell you. and be you.
And speaking as a woman, nothing is sexier than that. More manly than that. A man who owns himself. Wholly and fully.
Look at Queen Latifah. That woman owns her body. She is an unapologetic size 14. Tell me that doesn't sell.
@diane s.: i am owning my body. i will be the master of my own universe. tomake a change, i have to recognize what to change. i have.
@jaimie: it is easy for a pretty woman to say that looks don't matter.
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