
Monday, December 05, 2005


i feel sick.
maybe not sick,
but uncomfortable...
my position in life is less than favorable,
the determination of what is favorable is relative....

there is a perfect someone
for everyone
is what i have always been lead to believe....
how can perfection be found in someone and it be reciprocal?
are you satisfied with less than perfect?
do you demand perfection from others?
are you perfect yourself?
to settle for a relationship between imperfect people
is no way to strive for perfection;
unless there are perfect levels of imperfection.

the leaning tower of pisa
the parthenon
those leaning heads at easter island...
all imperfect.

i always think that it is not supposed to be this way.
what if it is?

i dont even want to be perfect.
there is character in my flaws.
is being comfortable with myself
selling myself short?

i ran 3 miles this morning
@ 16 degrees farenheit.
between the burn of the run
the cold of the environment,
i felt comfort in the torture of life...

maybe this is how it is supposed to be.
tomorrow i will be faster
tomorrow i will be stronger
tomorrow will i be more perfect?
tomorrow is today according to yesterday.


Blogger Blah Blah Blah dropped...

Perfection is over-rted and unattainable.

Settling is not a bad thing...I have no idea why it's taken as a negative.

1.To put into order; arrange or fix definitely as desired.
2. To put firmly into a desired position or place; establish.

...then again...don't listen to me.....i'm in all sorts of "settling"

5/12/05 12:48  
Anonymous Anonymous dropped...

We talked about imperfection earlier and I told you there is no such thing as perfect. And if there were then what would we have to look forward to except walk around like drones all of the same mind set, thinking the same thoughts or would we all become narssastic? There is no such thing as a perfect grain of sand or snowflake....Someone may not be perfect for others but may be perfect for the one who sees you perfectly flaws and all......

5/12/05 16:31  
Blogger blackcaesar dropped...

hey you both have very valid points... i am overly sensitive i guess.

6/12/05 05:36  
Blogger Jenell : BlakIzBeautyful dropped...

Perfection is so difficult to reach that people feel it is unattainable.

I beg to differ.

Alli-babe, your definition of settling is different from settling for something other then what you want.

Your definition is the form of settling when you place something down or when something ceases to be moved.
Like how a cup of liquid will settle after being shooken.

Settling can be a very bad thing.

This is the definition you should follow (also taken from

settle for:
To accept in spite of incomplete satisfaction
eg. had to settle for a lower wage than the one requested

You should always try to completely be satisfied.

When you settle for anything that endangers your being and/or your morality, you are committing a crime against yourself.

When you settle for something that you would never allow another very close to you to settle for, you are committing a crime against yourself.

Never settle for less then perfect.
Deal with what you can, but never settle, becuse once you settle it will be viewed as you accepting and being ok with it. You can accept without being ok with something. But settling allows for the latter to exist as well.

When you settle you give up on perfection.

6/12/05 15:44  
Blogger blackcaesar dropped...

@ jenellybean,
perfection is difficult to obtain. is there a good reason to seek it? perfection and satisfaction may never meet, in my world.

7/12/05 19:56  
Blogger nikki dropped...

imperfection is perfect, just as blackcaesar stated in the poem. there is no universal rulebook stating what perfection is (and i'm including the bible, as it's open to interpretation and therefore, means folks come up with their own ideas of perfection).

all you can do is seek to obtain the best for yourself. best doesn't mean you'll be perfect. it means you'll reach the point in your life where you are most content with yourself and those around you.

7/12/05 20:35  
Blogger blackcaesar dropped...

i think a minute of perfection is worth the effort. A moment is the most you could ever expect from perfection. - tyler durden
okay, maybe i am obsesssed. i just can apply a movie script to my everyday life. does that make me psychotic.

14/12/05 18:32  
Anonymous Anonymous dropped...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » » »

28/2/07 13:09  

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