I use these words

These words were meant to be profane; these are words that symbolize the feelings of man and are ubiquitous in our society. The feeling of malcontent and dissatisfaction found in one another is sometimes easiest expressed in profane vocabulary. When one uses profanity, they use it in order to share their feelings as well as evoke emotions from others. These words can be related to human excrement, be racial epithets or even sexually derogatory. Yet and still, I use these words.
These words, as simple as they may be, retain power and flexibility of use. These words, sometimes four letter words, are taboo and their usage frowned upon in society. Be careful how you use these words. These words are powerful and power can be a dangerous thing. Be careful who you subject to the relative description that is implied by these words. One wouldn't want the minds of the youth corrupted by such vulgarity. I admit I use profanity. I cuss. I swear. I use all seven words that you can’t say on television and then some. I’ve been referred to by a few profane phrases in my time as well. I can’t say that I liked the way that these words made me feel. These words were meant to offend. These words were meant to bring down a persons soul. These words convey shock or pain or grief.Yet and still, I use these words.
These words, when they are uttered, are uttered with strong conviction. If you really want to be vulgar, here’s some profanity to share: tell someone that you love him or her. The profane treatment and oppressive nature that is held for items that are loved is then transferred to the item of your affection. Yeah, love is a trap. Better yet, it is sacrifice. What are you willing to sacrifice in the name of love? Tell someone you love them; those are fighting words. Yet and still, I use these words.
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