
Sunday, March 20, 2005

to die with dignity.

Even the sun goes down heroes eventually die
Horoscopes often lie and sometimes 'y'
nothin' is for sure nothin' is for certain nothin' lasts forever
But until they close the curtain
it's him I Aquemini - outkast, aquemini

I've always debated in my mind what I'd do if i were in a situation where i was unable to care for myself, such as the situation that Terri Schiavo is in. I wonder if the members of my family would allow me to die with dignity. I do noyt think the members of my family would ever "pull the plug" on me, even if i clearly prescribe such actions. Thus is the selfishness of man. That brings an interesting point:

Is it possible to end your own life with dignity?

I would like to think that everyone should be entitled to live their life with some sort of standard of satisfaction and / or comfort level. I am almost inclined to say that Americans are entitled to such things through the whole "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" spill in the bill of rights. Hell, all people should have those "inalienable" rights. In the event that one's life cannot be fulfilled, can it be returned, exchanged, upgraded, etcetera?

That would never happen to me...
I want it to be known, if you have to question whether or not i should live or die, and i cannot make the decision for me. Give me quality life or

How long is too long?
What is the time limit that the torture of substandard life should be endured?
one day, one year, one decade...
What constitutes substandard life?
  • being comatose?
  • being homeless?
  • being physically deformed?
  • being a lover scorned?
  • being in eternal morning?
After all, nothing is permanent. All things come to an end. I just want to know why i can't be the one to make the determinant when.
But, you know what they say:
Twice upon a time there was a boy who died
and lived happily ever after but that's another chapter... - outkast, aquemini
on another note, this muthafucker needs to die.
Where's the infinitely wise Jeffry Dahmer when you need him?

it's been a long time...

i have been waiting a long time to blog, and for good reason. I have been busy keeping my life from falling down all around me. That's cool. I actually put some time into improving my website, and its functionality. i am mildly suprised at the results.

i have been attempting to brush the dirt off my shoulder...
I got the call to arms on Friday! I will be going to war soon.
(it seems as if i just left the war)
of course, i will spend alot of time in the field.
That means less time to update my site and work on what I like to do.
I am in the market for a laptop.
I could continue my cyber assault anyhow with the proper tools.

Saturday, March 19, 2005


my new song
right click and "save as" or "save link target as"

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

mona lisa

i saw her today
i remember the way:
her hair smelled
her smile glistened
her skin was so smooth...
she has a vibrancy to her stroll.
she will walk on by,

for the life of me,
i continue to believe,
women are fine art.
who really owns art?
the artist gives to the world

i would think
the mona lisa
would be better suited
in a museum
than on my wall.
when i view art in a gallery,
the art receives total attention.
if the art hung on my wall
at home
i'd never look at it.
it's presence may be felt;
its magnificence would never radiate.

i would always be too occupied
to enjoy
the beauty that is forever before me.
that is why
i will never have a mona lisa
of my own.

Friday, March 04, 2005


never is a word
that always seems to convey

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

eye am

when you expose yourself, you can be a little embarrassed. i have no reason to be embarrassed. i am:
easy on the eyes
good listener
educated (street and book smarts)
passionate about goals
open minded
a thinker
a productive person

i am all of the above
and then some.
at least.
and that's being humble.
someone will find a shortcoming.
fuck 'em.
i got plenty of middle finger to go around.

i am at a crossroad in my life.
i have been preparing all of my life to make decisions such as the ones that i am faced with today. there are no worries. i cannot wait until the morning comes that i look back at these miniscule challenges and laugh. i smile at the ones who find this life so difficult. the answers are clear mostly. the answers are unpleasant. that is what is hard to deal with. give me the unpleasant. i know what to do with it. i welcome this new adversity and will overcome. i guarantee.yesterday was a memory. tommorow is excellent already.


Tuesday, March 01, 2005

the blackcaesar quiz

I made a Quiz for you! Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard!


i finally got promoted yesterday.
i was so tired.
i have renewed energy today.
i have a feeling as if i need it!
rank has its priviledges...
my associates will be throwing me a promotion party.
I have never been to one before.
they must think i am special.
i will always stay true to the following:
treat a man
as a man expects to be treated
an the man will respond accordingly.
it hasn't failed me yet...
i have always been a leader amongst men
no matter my rank in the social stratosphere.
today is no exception.
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