I give penance...
Forgive me bloggers, for I have sinned...
It's been a grip of time since I have blogged and I give penance...
Anyhow I’d like to tell you all about what’s been going on. I have been spending a lot of time looking for a new job and applying to school and preparing to take certification and admission tests as well as fulfilling requirements to satisfy different types of employment. Right now, my heart is leaning towards pursuing work as a phlebotomist, while I receive a professional bakers certificate from the American Institute of Baking. I still am going on world tour for the month of May as well as an additional excursion to some distant destinations for the 4th of July festivities. I want to let my soul be free.
An update for the concerned: I still haven’t had a drop of alcohol and I don’t miss it one bit anymore. I sometimes desire to have a drink out of habit sometimes when I come home from work or am around others that are drinking in social events but I really have no desire to drink and I feel really good about that.
I was in a situation where a friend and I were going to go discuss some prospective business transactions and I learned that I didn’t know what Soduku was. I didn’t know what a Natatorium was. I didn’t know what a Euphonium was either. All these revelations occurred during the course of the day, through casual conversations with people that I encountered. These people were on a college campus though. I mostly deal with military personnel; they are mostly those that the biggest word in their vocabulary is motherfucker. Needless to say, I was impressed with the general level of intelligence that I was surrounded by, if only for a moment.