Ebbs and Flows

I never imagined that I ever would utter such a statement as this: I am not good at sex; I am excellent.
I am not showcasing bravado, or flexing testosterone; it is been proven to me. I know you are shaking your head but listen here...
I am a very humble man. I never would tell you I was good at something and not be beyond proficient. I am no braggart. My excellence is derived from a very important experience' my first time...
My first time having sex was with a girl that I was highly interested in at the time of course. She was older and all but I was wise beyond my years even back then. it was awkward. It was backward. It was absurd. It didn't take me long to realize I had no idea what I was doing. That didn't last long though. I became celibate while embarking on a fantastic voyage of education on sex and sexuality. It was the beginning of many pleasure purges that I have undergone in my life. The problem with depravity is once it is relieved, gluttony may soon follow.
I share to all in listening range. Sex is least about the body and most about the mind. From selection to separation, every sexual move you ever make comes from the brain. I deduce that the most ultimate sex is mental. Once a mental connection is made, the physical is bound to connect. Free your mind and your ass will follow or similar...