so much has happened...
what can i say!
i got a new job description, that gives me eleven folks under me and ASHITLOAD of military equipment. The job is overall stressful, but, i remember saying, "if i ever had that position, i would do so much better..." Well, now is the time to show and prove.
I will go on two weeks vacation in a month or so. I am planning on driving from Kansas to Miami to Philiadelphia and back to Kansas. I will return my daughter to go to live with her mother for the next school year. I am on my way back to IRAQ (for a second term of about a year)!!!
I am in the process of disputing two purchases that I made on ebay that were unsucessful. one is for a laptop computer and the other is for a cellphone. the money isn't breaking me, but i really wanted my products that i have not received that i have paid for. i think i am ready to whoop a muthafuckaz azz!!!
I did manage to score a 60 GB ipod photo that i only manged to fill with 12 GB. I have about 10 more GB onstandby, including, but not limited too the entire Prince discography. I am glad for the device. hopefully it will survive a whole year in IRAQ. I am growing tired of toting CDs for expansive musical taste.
I have spent a whole month on military manuever recently. it takes alot of time to prepare for manuever and recovery is equally tie consuming. It is so interesting from the point of view that I am the boss this time. last time, i had no soldiers...
Sadly, I have not made any music as of late so I have no updates in that arena. I haven't even got any new musical gear beyond the IPOD. I have been looking for a 4 channel stero mixer that can receive 1/4 inch stereo inputs. I have not been sucessful. I probably will save my money so that i can ball-out-of-control, while on vacation.
My daughter has been behaving so badly lately. i hate to compare her to other people's bad ass kids, 'cause she aint that bad, but she is way worse than i would ever expect anychildomine to behave. there is never a reason to be lying, direspectful or mainipulative. I guess these are traits that are developed by those who desire to aquire without the means of money...
I have no updates on the woman front. No woman still, and thats probably for the best. Women always seem to seek a man to complete them and not complement them. I refuse to be someones sole source of entertainment; i am not a soap opera ingredient. I can afford to live by myself as well.
I am considering pursuing a Masters degree in aquaculture from Rutger's University. I also am looking at getting a permanent residence in either Illinois or Texas, where college education is free to military veteran residents.
Anyhow, take care who ever and where ever you are...