
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Apathy Prevails

For the most part, i feel as if am a fringe citizen.
I am not am ember of society, just merely an observer.
The current political process is so watered down by the time me input is evaluated it has less than a lottery tickets worth of input to how I am living right now.
Then again, I ave always been an Outkast.
The current political climate does make me exited about participating. It is as if my vote coild really change the world. I didn't vote for gore in a contested county in Florida when I knew he would change the world. He got chadded. The next election proved that the majority of votes wont win you anyway.
Al Gore still can change the world, even if he is on the outside looking in.
I wonder how many disenfranchised citizens from the Katrina flood disaster are registered to vote.
I didn't vote once because I was homeless; can't vote without an address.
My brother is a convicted felon. He can't vote either. Is he not at least 3/5ths of a man? He is no longer imprisoned. What is the point?
That is why I stand on the outside looking in.
They make my bills high and I cant do anything about it except topple the regime.


Blogger *Sparkle* dropped...

Ha! Better watch out, you're starting to sound like me. LOL that I think about it...that's kinda scary.

18/12/08 02:02  

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