
Monday, April 17, 2006

afternoon with my uncle

Here's a pic a snapped of me and my uncle, riding in his XLE (extra large Escalade). Being the Cadillac lover that I am, it was a treat. We had plenty of fun in Kansas City this weekend. I can't wait to go back!


Blogger Unknown dropped...

its been awhile since i came by and said hi...i love caddy's too...

30/4/06 18:18  
Blogger Jenell : BlakIzBeautyful dropped...

I love me an escalade....
Can I ride?

12/5/06 16:58  
Blogger Diane S. dropped...

Wow. I went away for a while, and you got a face lift. I like your new digs.

You know, as much as I'd like to be "above" cadillacs, having recently ridden in one, there really is nothing like it is there? The smoothness. The quiet. The sense of being separated from the world.

How's it going being a free man?

- Diane S.

17/5/06 22:17  
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